Consulting with our Founder Emma

Our Founder and CEO Emma Cutting has almost a decade of experience in street gardening, council nature strip guidelines, systemic change and public realm plantings for nature with another 2 decades experience in education. The world of public realm and street gardening presents immense opportunities as well as challenges and Emma has definitely seen and experienced more than her fair share of ups and downs! She is super happy to help, encourage, support and impart knowledge to help others wanting to create positive change.

So if you are…

  • a resident that would like personalised support and advice with your nature strip/verge gardening project

  • a community group who would like advice on their public/private realm pollinator project

  • interested in learning more about our innovative work, thinking and approach

please email to set up a time.

Resident/Community group consulting is $75 + GST per hour

Business consulting is $150 + GST per hour